Monday, January 25, 2010

Uncommon Necklaces: Inspired Design on Etsy

Handpicked on Etsy
Jaw dropping artistry hides among the trinkets that flood the Etsy search pages every day. Not that anything is wrong with charming, trendy trinkets, but it takes time & diligence to dig and search out the truly extraordinary. Today's selection required extra effort but the reward was grand. Reflecting a strong thematic statement, mastery of technique, visual impact and inspired originality, each piece showcased today is truly worthy of the art-to-wear concept. Each is a stand-alone accessory that turns the simplest black dress into a statement. I'm about you? Click on the pictures to go directly to these Etsy listings. Prices range from $85.00 to $525.00.
From top left to bottom right, today's featured Etsy designers include: hypho, Needlewovenstydio, hipchikbrie, solejg, triz, CieloDesign, PatrinketsJewelry, nemeton


hipchikbrie said...

What an honor to be among such talent!!!

Shayna said...

Thank you SO much for including my work in this gorgeous treasury. I am honored!

Olde Dame Penniwig said...

Those are just incredible. Wearable heirlooms -- works of art and imagination.

marcus said...

It is true, we often think that Etsy offers only the very popular. But that is far from reality.
Designers of very original and truly unique pieces also are included in this worldwide club of creative craftsmen and woman.
Maybe we should unite and get to the foreground more often...

Andria said...

Thank you all for visiting and taking the time to comment.

Marcus touches upon one of the most vexing problems of the vast Etsy marketplace. There does seem to be more of an emphasis on "street fair" crafty work, while the truly worthy gets much less attention. Perhaps this is simply a reflection of the consumer mass-market environment in today's world. There's an argument for the egalitarian philosophy, but that really leaves no place for extraordinary -- it seems to me the special work deserves a special place.

I wonder if there'd be a way to create a juried category. It would have to be an open process so that anybody could submit a piece for consideration, rather than let the Etsy admin. choose from favored insiders.

gr8jewellery said...

Stunning collection! Well done on finding these beauties! The tagging limitations and restricted search options on Etsy sometimes makes it almost impossible to be found and featured. As a member of the Etsy Beadweavers Team, I had already discovered and hearted several of your featured shops. Others have become new favourites, thank you! :)

Elizabeth said...

These pieces are fabulous!! What a create collection of artists! I have some new favorite shops now...


Hypho said...

I'm flattered that my necklace is part of this collection. They are gorgeous works of art - I can't imagine the hours necessary to create them.

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for including my work amongst such beautiful beadwork! am very honoured!

Marcie Abney Carroll said...

Yeah for jewelry designers! These are truly stunning.