Small bags abound on Etsy and many are equisitely constructed, often one-of-a-kind or limited production, sometimes cleverly engineered for dual functionality, and surprisingly affordable. These are among today's favorites found when searching for wristlets and clutches. I grab one of these and leave my big daytime bag behind when I go out at night. Wristlets are also great for shopping when you need your hands free for searching through merchandise and holding your purchases. These amazing Etsy finds average at or below $30.00! (The prices range from $15.00 to $65.00.) Click on the pictures to go directly to the artist's Etsy listings to learn details and purchase.
From top left to bottom right, the artists shown here include: tenthstreetsaks, Upstyle, Sweetsassybaby, BorsaBella, dalinda, yorktownroad, mariforssell, meringueshop, Portemone, yorktownroad
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